
Scrum – Why is it awesome?

February 18, 2020 10:13 pm | Category: ,

What is the best way for managing complex knowledge work?

by: Dulce Herbst-Aylesworth

Scrum is an amazing, agile project development strategy that ROOK Connect relies on to manage all of our customer’s needs. It ensures we deliver the best results to our customers. Most commonly, the Scrum system is used to provide better project management of software development, but many other teams include it as a part of their project management because Scrum is valuable for many other reasons:

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  1. Requirements, goals and situations may change, Scrum makes this changes easier to manage
  2. The final product is built in a series of iterations
  3. Breaks down large projects into smaller, more manageable pieces
  4. Allows teams to deliver high quality work faster
  5. Makes projects more manageable
  6. Provides transparency on all steps of the work process

You may be asking yourself, how do we do it?

At ROOK Connect, we use multiple steps to achieve a concrete development and organization strategy that ensures agile methodology on all of our projects. Our Scrum system is based on what steps must be followed to ensure tickets and action items are 100% completed and correct.

Our cycle consists of the following steps:

    1. Planning: Our team determines the best way to execute each action item we receive from customers. This is accomplished through internal meetings where we decide timelines and deliverables. Our customers are able to see the deliverables for their project, and know what to expect and when we’re going to deliver each element.
    2. Development: When we have all the information on how to proceed with the action item, we schedule it for development. We schedule customer tickets according to their immediate needs. Our team then communicates to the customer their item is scheduled to be completed.
    3. Testing: Tickets are not communicated to the customer until they are developed properly. To ensure this step, the ticket is reviewed and tested by another team member. When we are 100% sure the ticket is completed, we move it to the customer’s demo software and communicate it to the customer for their testing.
    4. Go Live: After action items are tested and confirmed they’re working properly, they get pushed to the live software, ready for the customer to use.

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Scrum is a great framework to implement in your company to help your team start thinking and working in a more agile way, and integrate principles into communication with your customers. Additionally, this system also helps overcome many recurring problems such as:

    1. Reducing risks and costs
    2. Get fast feedback from customers and users
    3. Increase speed to go live
    4. See better value faster
    5. Providing a sense of regular progress
    6. Increase employee engagement and satisfaction

Implementing Scrum into your Operations

ROOK Connect can help you achieve this flawless organization scheme! By enhancing your team’s ability to communicate and the entire company’s visibility on how projects are being managed and executed, this organizational workflow ensures that your team knows exactly how to communicate and gain the visibility needed to enhance operations. By enabling the Scrum tile on our software you will gain the ability to:

  • Take Scrum notes and send them out to your team
  • Review your Scrum board and see all the action items you are assigned to
  • Review all action items by staff and status
  • Show by project where you are at by staff and status
  • Real-time visibility of all action items and projects

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With all customer project management and ticketing action items stored in one convenient location, overall visibility is enhanced, providing increased knowledge on every project.

Enabling this tile gives you complete visibility and crystal clear accountability on how your team can harness the immense power of ROOK Connect software to best execute day to day operations.

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