
Onboard With Ease With ROOK Connect

March 24, 2021 9:30 am | Category: ,

by: Duncan May

Bringing new people on has never been so easy. Most businesses struggle with onboarding because they have to spend the time training, reviewing safety protocols and reviewing policies and procedures with the new hire. This can be time consuming. With configurable forms and templated systems ready to streamline and automate your processes, ROOK Connect makes the onboarding process a breeze. We provide everything in one convenient location, so your training videos, safety forms/manuals, and policies and procedures can be sent via a link to a new hire so they can complete these requirements before they come in for their first day of work. By providing portals, we’re streamlining the onboarding process and ensuring new employees are ready to hit the ground running on their first day.

With identification verification, licence certificate and training tracking, ROOK Connect ensures your company is protected. No longer will you need to chase down employees to make sure their training, licences and record of employment are up to date. By providing notifications of upcoming certificate expiration, you will no longer need to worry about the right person on the job, keeping your business protected at all times.


ROOK Connect provides all of the tools you need to ensure a long and fruitful relationship with your new hire. Our KPI, goal tracking and performance reviews will keep everyone accountable and ensure your new employee continues growing along with your business. ROOK Connect provides you with the ability to track who has done want and been where in the software at any given time, providing the ability to not only provide contact tracing; but review who was in what part of the software when.

By putting your business in the driver’s seat, you have complete control over who can see, have access to or change what information. With these strict security protocols, you are ensuring personnel will only have access to what their security clearance permits. Your information is yours and is protected with PIPEDA and HIPAA compliance so it stays that way.

Contact us today to learn how ROOK Connect can improve and streamline your HR processes!

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