
Our Platform’s Notification Centre Keeps You on the Loop

April 29, 2020 7:54 pm | Category: ,

Notifications Ensure a Better User Experience

by: Dulce Herbst-Aylesworth

We all agree that notifications are useful – no one wants to be searching throughout a software to find the action they need to do. ROOK Connect Software allows you to go to our notifications centre and click on the action that you’re looking for so you can access it right away.

Notifications serve a purpose. They are powerful tools to inform users of app updates, introduce them to new features and inform them about new messages and communication from other people.

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What are notifications?

We go by the simple definition. A notification is an act of bringing something to the notice of the user; it’s a way for our software to notify or send you a message that you can read easily with one click.

A very simple example of a notification is an email alert. You get a flash message on your desktop screen when you receive an email, and you can open it directly from the main screen itself or you can dismiss the notification by clicking on the dismiss button. The main purpose of the notification is to announce the arrival of the email.

The notification enables you to get the gist of the matter without having to open the mailing application, and provides an easier way to access the exact email the notification is about.

Types of notifications in ROOK Connect software

  1. Ticket Created & Assigned To You
  2. Internal & External Communication (Email)
  3. Customer Support Requests
  4. Ticket & Task Reminders
  5. Project, Ticket & Journal Notes

Why notifications are important in our platform

    1. Increase Engagement With Alerts & Reminders: informative notifications are critical to app success. These types of notifications can do a wide variety of things, from reminding individuals that someone has sent them a message to providing meeting reminders.
    2. Motivate Individuals to Interact & Engage: catch-up notifications are used for re-engagement purposes. They can motivate staff to perform certain tasks or remind staff when they need to complete a certain task or ticket.
    3. Keep Consistent Interest: recurrent notifications are perfect for businesses that do weekly and monthly “drops” or “featured products” as they can be sent to everyone on a specific date at a specific time.
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