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Dispatch, Delivery Courier & Transportation Management

ROOK Connect Makes Delivery Process Management Easy & Real-Time Visibility A Priority

Flexible Delivery Software, Customer Relationship Management, Enterprise Resource Planning & Business Intelligence, Designed to Streamline Business Practices

With configurable workflows, ROOK Connect Software was designed to coordinate and organize complex processes while managing the execution of logistics, warehousing, transport and the delivery of goods from point of origin all the way through to the point of consumption. Managing and tracking the flow of information from start to finish, ROOK Connect comes stacked with lean process management workflows, customer relationship management (CRM) systems and configurable settings, so you can ensure that the processes you want to be followed are tracked and reported on properly. Ensuring that all aspects of your business are cohesively working together, ROOK Connect manages the details, empowering your customers, maximizing revenues and tracking operational efficiencies in real-time. Take the guesswork out of managing your business and enhance customer service with a digital process that improves every facet of your business.

Delivery Process Management
Dispatch & Logistics
Customer Orders
Delivery Process Management
Reporting & Analytics
Billing Sheets & Invoicing
Transport Logs
Routing & Delivery
Delivery Process Management
Delivery Process Management

Customer Experiences That Make A Difference

Customer Experiences
Step 1: Delivery Requested
Visibility tracking through secure portal is initiated
Step 2: Schedule Notification
Date and estimated time of delivery is sent to customer
Step 4: Date Of Delivery Notification
Customer alert with Uber-like real-time map view of driver on the way
Step 3: Next Stop Alert
Driver profile sent to customer at pick up from warehouse with estimated ETA
Step 6: On Site
Templated and customizable sign off form for customer with quick ask questions
Step 5: Customer Verification
Access to training materials, work orders, SOP’s and photo verification tools
Step 8: Star Rating System
Templated and customizable surveys with CRM and instant actionable notifications
Step 7: Customer Survey
Driver service record tracking with 5 star rating program

Real-Time Visibility & Communication


Streamline your business with digital workflows that connect your staff, contractors and customers to the information, tools and content they need. With a fully integrated ERP, your business will have the operational visibility needed to optimize and capitalize on essential resources. Get access to dashboards and real-time reporting essential to making better business decisions. Rethink your idea of productivity and enhance your ability to deliver for customers. ROOK Connect gets all your departments working together.

Leveraging technology and innovation, your business will enhance communication standards with customers, as well as streamlining internally. No more chasing down information or waiting for reports to come in so you can track and monitor progress. ROOK Connect Software provides real-time access from point of entry into your business all the way through to conclusion, tracking and reporting with detailed analytics. Give your business the awareness needed to increase revenues.

Logistics, Route Optimization & Dispatching


ROOK Connect is more than just a route optimization tool and dispatching software; it’s an analytic engine that enhances your ability to perform.

ROOK Connect unique scheduling, routing and delivery optimization tools ensure real-time transparency and visibility while empowering your business to project, budget and forecast what lies ahead. There are many delivery tools, but few that can call themselves a full CRM and ERP in addition to a complete end-to-end delivery solution. ROOK Connect provides businesses with detailed reporting, analytics and tools that completely set us apart from the competition.

Customer, Driver & Supplier Remote Login


ROOK Connect not only empowers customers with remote ordering systems/drivers and third parties with billing settlements; we also provide real-time access and visibility on all inventory and products en route.

With capacity modeling for all trucks, configurable and customizable customer logins, direct chat systems for drivers and real-time supply chain visibility, utilizing ROOK Connect provides an offering that surpasses all other software. Get your business connected beyond simple routing with ROOK Connect unique capabilities, features and user experiences. Making business simple and more profitable is just what we do.

Warehousing, Inventory Management, Barcodes & Manifests


Do you know all the products you’re delivering? Can you track, report and manage products by weight, count and capacity? With ROOK Connect, there’s no limit to the reporting and product management features that your business can take advantage of or offer your customers.

Automation and business efficiency is what we do. With the ability to manage all your offerings through one secure, easy-to-use Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software, your business can not only track revenue; but learn where and how to perform better. ROOK Connect was designed to manage all aspects of your business, streamlining operations and making efficiency a priority. ROOK Connect is a revenue-enhancing product.

Proof Of Delivery, Delivery Rating Tools & Analytics


Going beyond just onsite photos and digital signatures, ROOK Connect ensures you can collect real data from your current and future potential customers.

Empowering your business with real analytics is just the start of what we offer. Providing the ability to grow, improve your offerings to customers, streamline your day-to-day operations and enhance revenues is truly what ROOK Connect is selling. The power of analytics with the strategic capabilities and know-how for your business to best capitalize on them. ROOK Connect helps businesses operate at a whole new level, ensuring you evolve by capitalizing on technology.

Warehousing, Inventory Management, Manifests & Bill Of Lading

ROOK Connect Logo
Air Bill of Lading
Air Bill of Lading
Ocean Bill of Lading
Ocean Bill of Lading
Truck Bill of Lading
Truck Bill of Lading
House Air Bill of Lading
House Air Bill of Lading
House Ocean Bill of Lading
House Ocean Bill of Lading
House Truck Bill of Lading
House Truck Bill of Lading
Manifests Reader/Writer
Manifests Reader/Writer
Bill of Lading Reader/Writer
Bill of Lading Reader/Writer
Bill of Lading Remote Monitoring
Bill of Lading Remote Monitoring
Bill of Lading Inventory Management
Bill of Lading Inventory Management
Warehouse Manifest
Warehouse Manifest
Dispatch Manifest
Dispatch Manifest
Manifest Remote Monitoring
Manifest Remote Monitoring

Air Bill of Lading

Ocean Bill of Lading

Truck Bill of Lading

House Air Bill of Lading

House Ocean Bill of Lading

House Truck Bill of Lading

Manifests Reader/Writer

Bill of Lading Reader/Writer

Bill of Lading Remote Monitoring

Bill of Lading Inventory Management

Warehouse Manifest

Dispatch Manifest

Manifest Remote Monitoring

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Developing Strategic Big Data Analytic Systems
That Drive Efficiencies & Deliver Predictive Analysis!

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ROOK Connect Application Program Interface (API) and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) systems allow our software to seamlessly connect with others. With integrations, partners, API's, FTP's, tunnels and import/export features, there's a variety of ways that ROOK Connect can support your business interfacing with third parties.

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